Keren Barrios, originally from Guatemala City, embarked on a life-changing journey when she moved to the United States at the age of 10, following a harrowing 13-day kidnapping experience. This ordeal ignited her passion for advocating for those in need and her commitment to justice. The turning point came during a trial, where Keren witnessed the transformative impact of a dedicated solicitor defending their case, vowing to echo that commitment for others.
Keren’s educational journey began with her graduation from Central Gwinnett High School in 2005, at the remarkable age of 16. This early achievement laid the groundwork for her Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a Legal Track from Georgia State University in 2010, followed by her completion of law school at Atlanta’s John Marshall University in May 2013.
Fueled by a deep desire to be a voice for the voiceless and to help others overcome obstacles, Keren is not only a lawyer but also an advocate for justice and mental health. Beyond the legal realm, she enjoys trying new recipes, reading, exploring interior design, discovering new restaurants, and cherishing moments with her family. In November 2013, Keren founded Barrios Virguez Attorneys, starting with just one office and a single phone. The firm quickly outgrew its initial space, prompting a move to a second location in 2017, which also became insufficient as the firm expanded. By 2021, the firm found its current home and has since grown to a team of 40 employees, earning recognition as one of the fastest-growing law firms in Georgia. Keren’s unwavering focus remains on continued growth and providing the best possible service to her clients.