In Georgia, you are legally required to report most accidents to the police. If you are involved in an auto crash or any other type of accident, it may be in your best interests to notify the police. A Duluth car accident lawyer may be able to help you file a police report.
Barrios Virguez is one of the fastest-growing law firms in Georgia. Our team can help you take the right steps after your accident and pursue compensation from anyone responsible. To learn more, contact us today.
When You Have to File a Police Report
The Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT) requires you to report an accident within three business days if it meets certain criteria. You may notify the department about your accident so it can collect data on traffic crashes. The information you provide may help settle an insurance claim and make sure your legal rights are protected.
You must report an accident to the police if anyone is hurt or injured or the property damage someone suffers during the incident exceeds $500. Also, you must notify the police about an accident if an at-fault driver hits and runs away from the scene or if the incident occurred on a state highway or involved a commercial vehicle. In any of these scenarios, you have up to 10 days from the date of your accident to file a police report.
By calling 911 at the time of your accident, police officers may come to the scene, and you can provide them with information they can use to prepare a report. If you choose not to call 911, you may go to a local police station to file your report or submit it over the phone or online. You may submit an open records request to obtain a copy of your traffic crash report, which you may use as evidence to support your request for compensation.
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What Can Happen if You Do Not File a Police Report
Those who choose not to file a police report when they are legally required to do so may face penalties. You may be fined up to $1,000 if you do not notify the police about an accident in which someone was injured or property damage totaling $500 or more occurred. If you do not tell the police about an accident in which someone is severely injured or killed, you may receive a prison sentence lasting up to five years.
There are times when a person decides not to file a police report and an at-fault claim they were responsible for a hit-and-run accident. For instance, someone may crash their car into yours and drive away, and you do not file a report. In this instance, the at-fault motorist may file a report in which they claim you drove away from the scene and are responsible for the accident, which may lead to a fine, jail sentence, and suspension of your driver’s license.
When in doubt about what to do after an accident, it may be beneficial to get in touch with the police. In the moments after your accident, police officers can help you and anyone else involved. If it has been a few days since your accident, the police may help you file your report.
What to Do When You File a Police Report
After your accident, it helps to gather as much evidence as possible. You may use your smartphone to take photos and videos of property damage, your injury, and different parts of the scene. In addition, you can obtain the contact information, driver’s license information, and insurance information of an at-fault driver or anyone else responsible for your accident.
If you call 911, police officers will ask you questions about your accident. Be honest with the police, but do not accept responsibility for your accident. If you take the blame for your accident, you may compromise your ability to get a fair settlement.
Those who wait to file a report should contact the police as soon as they can after their accident. This helps ensure your accident is still fresh in your mind, and you can provide police officers with relevant information. Give the police information about your accident, and when your report becomes available, you may be able to use it as part of your efforts to collect damages from an at-fault party.
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Why a Police Report Is Important
You may suffer a Duluth personal injury in your accident due to no fault of your own. A police report may serve as a crucial piece of evidence if you want to pursue compensation from anyone responsible for your accident. The report provides a firsthand account of what happened, and it may compel a judge or jury to rule in your favor.
Of course, this report is one of many pieces of evidence you may need to get compensation. The report may be used in combination with accident scene photos and videos, medical records, and other forms of proof. Together, these help you build a body of evidence that may make it clear to a judge or jury why you deserve damages.
The team at Barrios Virguez understands the importance of a police report. We can help you get a copy of your police report and build an argument against the party responsible for your accident. For more information, reach out to us.
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How to Use a Police Report
You may review a police report with a personal injury lawyer. This may help you understand the report and what it means to your case. The report may include insights into your accident and help you craft an argument that resonates with a judge or jury.
The at-fault party, in your case, may also obtain a copy of your report. They may look for holes in this report. If they succeed, they may be able to avoid having to pay you compensation.
At Barrios Virguez, we work diligently to help you use your report and other evidence to strengthen your argument. With our help, you may be able to secure a reasonable settlement after your accident. To schedule a consultation, contact us today.
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